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About Shonai, 庄内川について

About Shonai river

Shonai river is a Class 1 river flowing through Gifu and Aichi prefectures in Japan.

Shonai river empties into Ise Bay finally.

Shonai river passes through Nagoya which is Japan's fourth-largest incorporated city and the third most populous urban area, so baseball game or other sports activities are enjoyed along the riverbed on the weekend.

From Shonai river, Shonaigawa stones which are good for Suiseki are found.

True black is rare but Ash black color is popular and the quality of Hornfels is similar with Setagawa stone. Although Seta river and Shonai river is apart about 100 km, it is not so far from geological point of view.

Shonai river

Shonai river and Toki river

Actually, Shonai river and Toki river is the same river.

It is called Toki river in Gifu and Shonai river is Aich prefecture.

In detail, in a valley between Gifu and Aichi, it is called Tamano river.

I think the valley is the key of Shonai river.

Because good stones for Suiseki are mainly found in Aichi and not in Gifu. It is the reason they are called Shonaigawa stone, not Tokigawa stone.

The river originates at Mount Yudachi in Ena, Gifu Prefecture. After flowing through the Tamano Valley in Aichi Prefecture, it enters the Nobi Plain, before emptying into Ise Bay through Nagoya.

From the Yudachi through Ise Bay, several rivers are joined. The following is the summary:

Ise Bay Shonai river Tamano river Toki river Yudachi river
∟Yada river ∟Kasahara river
∟Tsumaki river
∟Ori river

The following is from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Regional Development Bureau in Chubu, Shonai river regional bureau:



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