About Ibigawa, 揖斐川について
About Ibigawa
Ibigawa is a name of river. "Ibi" is an actual name of river and "gawa" means river.
Ibigawa, Ibi river, is one of Japan's first-class rivers from Gifu to Mie Prefectures. The source of Ibi river is in Kanmuri mountain. Kasugawa, Kasu river, and Neogawa, Neo river, both rivers are also famous in Suiseki, are joined and also, Nagaragawa, Nagara river, is joined near an estuary. Finally, it flows to Ise Bay.
The name of Ibi river is considered from Ibi no shou, one of Shoen, from about the 8th to the late 15th century, describes any of the private, tax-free, often autonomous estates or manors whose rise undermined the political and economic power of the emperor and contributed to the growth of powerful local clans.