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About Setagawa, 瀬田川について

About Setagawa

Setagawa is a only river pouring out from Lake Biwa which is an ancient lake, over 4 million years old, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, located entirely within Shiga Prefecture.

Setagawa, Seta river, changes its name to Ujigawa, Uji river around Kyoto and Yodogawa, Yodo river, around Osaka and finally, flows down into Osaka Bay.

Around 450 rivers are pouring into Lake Biwa but Setagawa is a only rivulet pouring out and it breaks through a hard rock.

It is amazing that Setagawa is a only river pouring from Lake Biwa which is large enough to see as sea but it is one of reasons that Lake Biwa is the largest lake.


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